Taxpayer at last!!

So, I’ve finally join the world of taxpayers!! Or in more sense, I’ve finally got myself a JOB.

Throughout High School, I was one of the few individuals who did not work part time and went to school at the same time. My parents were one of the few people who believed that their kids when in school should focus primarily on getting an education than working. So here I am, 2 years out of High School and for the first time in my life, I am working.

Now, when my parents informed me that I had to get a job, I was all for it. I was so hyped. I was going online looking for any job that would suit me and I had this idea in my head that I could work 2 part time jobs, that way I would get the amount of income that we needed to float us financially. But when reality stepped in and I actually started working, I began singing another tune.

 Today marked day six of working and I can tell you I dread it. No, I do not hate the job itself but I hate that I have a schedule in which I have to wake up and have to go to bed. Unlike some people, I love my sleep and I love reading and usually I would sleep till 2-3 into the morning and wake whenever I wake but I can no longer do that and thats what I hate about working. I hate that it limit my hours in the day in which I usually put aside for reading.

Working all in all is fun and I like that my job makes me feel important and needed. 

Tell me what is your experience in working and what you hate about it? 

Let’s Talk About Sacrifices Parents Make

Some nights where I lay restlessly in my bed, my mind runs a mile a minute and all these various events that either is happening or happened in my life would pass across my mind. And I would think about all the sacrifices my parents made just for myself and my siblings to be happy. I am eternally ever grateful for everything they did for our benefit.

I can shamefully say that at one point in my life I did not appreciate everything they did. At that time I just thought that it was normal, that it was the responsibility of my parents to make me happy. When I moved to the U.S. and my family went through a rough patch,  I awoke from this sleep and smelled the coffee.

I went to high school in the U.S. and experience the difference in how my parents cocoon and shelter me from the harshness of life than the parents of my fellow classmates. Some of them worked after classes and by the age of 18 was put out of their homes to fend for themselves. I am older than 18 and still live with my parents, who provides for me.

There is this saying that goes something like, “when you think you have life hard, know that there are other people experiencing worst than what you are going through” and I totally agree with it. 

I know some parents don’t like to share their struggles with their children but as much as mine tries, I can see it in their tired eyes and how hard they work. I can see it when we go out and they put their necessities behind ours, I can see it when others boast infort of us and they would say someday we would have the same and I can see it when we try to make ends meet with what little we have.

I also know of some children who are ungrateful of the sacrifices their parents made and when they grow older, they forget about the people who made it possible to be who they are. 

We as a family are still going through a rough patch and the sacrifices my parents are making for my future makes me feel helpless. I cannot wait for the day when I can repay them for all that they did and I hoped that, that day comes before life catches up with them.